Bf is blaming me for his car accident.

Ok so yesterday my bf picked me up and took me to his house. He lives about 45mins away. Later that night he dropped me off back home and on his way home he got into an accident. It wasn’t a bad one. Some guy feel asleep and hit him. The man drove off. My bf is ok and his car is ok. So he called me to tell me and he’s mad. He’s telling me that is my fault because I should of drove to his house. At the moment I just took it and apologized because I knew that he was probably just stressed he’ll get over it the next day. So today I call him in the morning to see if he’s doing ok because he didn’t reply to any of my text the night before. He answers and he seems still annoyed. I’m asking him basic question like how u sleep? And he’ll answer super dry like fine. We also talked on his lunch time at work and he still talked super dry like if he doesn’t want to talk to me. Now I’m starting to feel annoyed because I know it’s not my fault and I shouldn’t be getting this dry attitude. I want to confront him about it but a part of me also just wants to let it go.