Anyone else been told they are measuring big?

Tess • 💍 7.12.14 💗|👶 6.7.20 🎀|👶 4.26.22 💙

FTM 33+3 here! Just had my doctors appointment this morning and when the doctor measured my fundal height she mentioned that baby was measuring big. I know typically your fundal height should be relative to how many weeks you are but that that’s not always the case. I was measuring at 36 weeks 😳 I am very petite (5’2” and was 110 pre pregnancy) and have only gained 20 lbs so far but literally all in my belly. I also do not have gestational diabetes. Doctor wants me to have an ultrasound to get an estimate on baby girls size so I go for that next Friday. She said baby girl could just be big or it could be excess amniotic fluid, scenarios which both make me nervous. Has anyone else been told they are measuring big?