Weird spam texts...

So my fiancé gets spam texts a lot about “you forgot to try our KETO all American blah blah”

& “during this quarantine try this out to make the girls crazy about your who haw” so naturally I know they’re spam. But he got a text earlier when he got home from work and he picked up his phone and started to read it “Bored?”... and then goes silent, starts acting a little funny then completely changes the subject to this money app he has, so I said “wait who texted you bored?” And he was like “huh?” And shook his head no . As if he never even said it. So when he went to shower I checked it, and it was gone. So I know he deleted it. What’s your thoughts? He’s pretty shy so I don’t know if he just doesn’t want me knowing he’s getting sexual spam or if it was really something to be worried about.