Boyfriend said another girls name during sex..

If you aren’t going to say anything nice then don’t say anything at all!!!

First let me explain, this was over a year ago.. and it still bothers me... he was super drunk and it was during a fancy night out.. we got back to the hotel room and started having sex. When i got on top of him he said his coworkers name while i was riding him... then when I got off of him confused and obviously heartbroken he started saying things to me that he said happened between us when none of that happened... I looked at him and said “who the fuck do you think you’re with right now?!” he opened his eyes and looked at me and said my name.

I was so pissed. I couldn’t even stand to be next to him or around him. I just turned away got in bed and laid awake sobbing until morning. He still has no idea to this day... I just thought maybe if I let it go things won’t matter but it bothers me. it bothers me so much to the point I just hate him still but love him at the same time and I am SO TORN!!!!! I have no idea what to do anymore. it’s hard to trust him because of course i’m constantly wondering things and making things up in my head like if he cheated on me...

is it too late to bring it up to him? should I? or should I just literally try to get over it...