
Now that I have your attention PLEASE tell me my SO's not the only one that loves and can even get off on me talking about having sex with another guy?!

Today while I was in the shower he came in to pee, then sat down and started talking to me. He was watching me rinsing myself off and started to get turned on so messing around I pressed my boobs against the glass and started moaning/making sex noises which turned him on more.

He was way turned on and kept jacking off to me making sex noises, he then says "keep doing that and pretend you're being fucked by someone else, anyone" he said it can even be someone I had a crush on in school. I had one crush but not someone I would pretend to have sex with so I yelled mark (random name) and kept going. Then I thought oh shit there is one person Johnny sins (I'm pretty sure most of you know who that is, but my cousins name is Johnny and it was weird to me so I kept saying sins), I started moaning and saying "omg sins, fuck me harder" while still pressing up against the glass, making loud moaning noises. Before I knew it I made one loud moaning noise pretending I was going and I see him jump up and cum in his hand.

He said he loved that, then not even 5 min later I go in the room and get ontop grinding on him, he got hard again. He grabbed his phone and said he wanted me to watch sins and get myself but I said no I wanted to wait till tonight but he still went on the site and pulled him up, I found a video of him in the shower, and started sucking my SO off. He kept telling me to talk dirty so I was saying things like "I'm imagining I'm sucking sins off, and omg I want him to fuck me from behind" and within 10 min he went again.

He asked me if I liked the video and I said " was a good one", and he's like "good". I asked him if he wanted to see and he said "No I don't wanna see some guy jacking off". I was like alright and that was it....

He also likes it if I get myself to porn or even just myself while he watches me...

So my question is "does your boyfriend like it when you pretend or talk about fucking someone else?! Or even get off to you getting yourself to porn while he watches?"

Please don't get me wrong I'm not kink shamming anyone I have kinks of my own but it's been 11 years in aug so this is new. I went in the room and told him it was his kink cause he always says he doesn't know why he's like that and if he was wierd and when I told him he laughed and denied it. Idk why!