Possibly pregnant ??

So I had sex on the 8th ( day after period ) and also 19th I checked over 12 hours later on the 19th for discharge and it was a thin creamy sticky white color and the next day same thing but kinda stretchy discharge?? And I got it the next day also & the day after that & So I had sex on the 19th and I’m not sure when my ovulation date is for sure ( can’t get test strips right now I’m going by cervical discharge). I’ve look up on different apps since my cycle is irregular I’m trying to find a app I like to track it on and I have one that has my estimated ovulation date as the 19th but also on my other apps I have one that says I ovulate on the 22& 25th. So my question is either way my ovulation is this week I just don’t know what day it is I just know it’s about time for it could I get a positive pregnancy test in 2 weeks ? I had a miscarriage a while back and I’d hate to keep taking test to see a BBN :( I’ve also had sore nipples the past 2 days and lil cramps in my stomach that feel a little tingly feeling