FTM does your prenatal appointments confuse you?


This is my first pregnancy and I have never been pregnant before and these appointments confuse me. I found out later about my pregnancy. I had my first ultrasound on March 23rd and they measured baby and had me at 15 weeks, 2 days. I was shocked, they did the test to check for spina bifida which came out negative :)

They booked me for April 1st for another ultrasound since I was so far along and wanted to do another and my blood pressure was high. I went in and I had a fever, I had a sinus cold and allergies told me I couldn’t see dr and need to self quarantine for 14 days getting me to April 15th. However, they didn’t have an appointment until April 22nd tomorrow.

I was told this appointment is to do ob work up and get an ultrasound. Would this be considered a second scan or would this be an anatomy scan?

Also, what questions should I be asking? I’m quite confused at this point and my husband isn’t even allowed in the lobby never mind the appointment.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am 35, and overweight and this was unplanned clearly. Lol