No room for a nursery


Does anyone have any experience/input on having the “nursery” essentially just be in your bedroom? I know it’s not ideal but the current circumstances have left us with no option.

Our first is due in September. My husband and I live in a 2b/2ba apartment. The second bedroom serves as his home office/studio. He does graphic design work and has all of his fancy printers and vinyl cutters and stuff so he definitely needs his home office space. We’d like to move (our plan was actually to buy a house in Nov./Dec., but that doesn’t seem likely to happen with the economy being so unstable). We can’t feasibly move right now. I’m pregnant and the world is apparently ending, so I’d really prefer to just stay put until it’s safer to move or we can buy a house like we planned...but that could be a year from now...or more 😳

So baby will have to share a room with us for a while. We have space for a crib and changing table in our room. Im just going to replace a chair in our living room with a cozy rocking chair. So we have room for all the things that will make baby comfortable, I just worry that sharing a bedroom with an infant for 6-12 months may be a real challenge...