Can’t cope anymore

I had some issues with my mood before all this but now it’s so bad. I’m young so people say you e got time and everything but they don’t understand. Found out I was pregnant late last year we wernt trying and it was completely unexpected. I was so shocked and I knew I wanted to keep the baby I’ve always wanted to be a mother. My partner was not keen and wanted to get rid as we are young and he wants us to wait until we have enough to support the baby. I had a scan at 8 weeks and baby had a heartbeat when he saw the photo he was starting to be okay with what was happening. I then miscarried a couple weeks later. Ever since I’ve been so depressed all I want is my baby. I want to try again but he said we can late next year which I don’t even know if I believe. Now my friend is pregnant and doesn’t know if she wants to keep it and she doesn’t have a partner and I’m really struggling with it all. On top of that my due date would of been in about 3 weeks I know the date and it’s all getting to much to me. I have no one to talk to and I just don’t know how to cope ahymore