2.5 week old anyone have amy tips on a gassy/possibly colicky baby at night?

Meg • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧. Mom to👧. 👼. 🌈👧🤰

I feel bad for my second. And I feel like a new mom all over again. my first born was the easiest baby and for that I am thankful. She is now 6 and super helpful with her sister. My second however is great all day long but at night time she fusses and screams for sometimes hours, she flares her arms and legs and arches her back in this fits amd acts super uncomfortable. I let my husband go to sleep early since he is working right now and hell get up early with her to feed her. I have spoken to my pediatrician a couple of times through the virtual visit and I'm just not sure what else I can do to soothe her at night.

I have been giving her similac sensitive formula now and also mylicon gas drops 2x a day per dr. My dr also gave me this hypoallergenic formula I could try with her if I wanted. I tried to give it to her twice and she wont take it. Any advice in hownto get her to take or try that? So shes been sticking with the similac sensitive. I guess I just feel so bad for her at.night and feels like I cant help her. And I feel so alone and helpless in the evenings. My husband has been amazing and trying to help as much as possible when hes home.

Any advice would be great. I have to calm the pediatrician again soon if what I'm doing isnt working because she wants to check for reflux.

I feel like I'm new to this all over again.🤦‍♀️