

So my doctor says I produce a lot of milk and even though he eats 10 minutes sometimes less at a time he spits up a lot after. I thought it was reflux for a while. Anyways he spits up like 7 times in between feedings. I burp him very often and have him sit/lay at an incline. He wears a bib but he still spits up on everything all the time. He goes through 3 outfits in between feedings I just keep him without clothes now. I have to use a towel for every feeding because he spits up on my chest after like 3 minutes of eating. I can’t put him in any swing because he spits up anytime I put him in it and I have to wash it everytime he goes in it. I’ve gotten advice from his doc and nothing works. He’s only 3 weeks old but I’m doing like 6 loads of laundry a day from all of the towels and burp cloths and blankets and my clothes that he spits up on constantly. When I change his diaper he projectile vomits sometimes onto the carpet.