Advice about night weaning 😬


Alright, so we’re over 7 months now... and I literally thought by now we would be sleeping through the night or pretty close to it. HA! I was wrong! When he was about 3 months old, he was going 6-9 hours at night, and then the 4 month sleep regression hit. A few times since then, he’s gotten up just once a night, but it’s usually 2-3 times. He’s eating 5-6 ounce bottles when he wakes up, so I stress myself out thinking that he needs it or else he wouldn’t be drinking it 😩 but his doctor said he should be going about 8 hours a night and that I should let him just cry for a bit when he wakes up at night instead of going in with a bottle. My anxiety is pretty bad, and gets worse when he cries... BUT I am definitely ready to not be getting up so much at night. He’s currently teething (I can see them coming in) so I’m going to wait until he’s done before I start anything. I will say that he puts himself to sleep for all naps and bedtime, but he CANNOT seem to do it when he wakes up in the middle of the night. I do try to just give him his paci and settle him sometimes, but it pretty much never works. I know this has become a long novel, but I’m really just looking for advice or tips/tricks when it comes to weaning off the bottle at night. Thanks so much!! ❤️