

I dont want to go into deal about my past, when i was younger i had a few extreme incidents of sexual attacks and domestic violence. I dont hate men at all, but in my adult hood whats really helped me grieve and cope is reading and talking to other women online about female oppression and have been in similar situations.

My boyfriend knows what ive been through, he knows im into female empowerent and that i hate social injustices against my gender.

I was scrolling through facebook and reading a post about domestic violence and my boyfriend noticed it. He then said to me i need to stop caring about those things as it makes me look sexist and it makes me look like i hate men which he finds offensive. I told him thats the problem when people make women feel bad for giving a shit about our gender. His response was theres women in the army what more do we want?!? 🙄

I told him im still grieving and he said im not even going through it anymore so get over it.