First month off bc...could I be pregnant??


I was on the bc pill (Microgestin fe 1/20) for a little over 3 years and decided to stop after the last pack on 3/17/20. I got my period on 3/20/20 and if I continued the pack I should’ve started another cycle on 4/17/20.

I know our bodies go through a lot of changes when coming off but it was difficult trying to figure out if/when I ovulated. I’ve also dealt with irregular periods until I went on birth control.

I had very light cramping randomly on 4/12 & 4/13 accompanied by clear discharge (had sex on 4/10 & 4/13). I believe I probably ovulated then. I started experiencing cramping on 4/19-4/20 and had some spotting yesterday, 4/21. Could that possibly be implantation? I took a pregnancy test but I believe it’s too early to get a positive. It honestly feels like I’m about to start my period but nothings happening.

Do you think my hormones are just messed up coming off birth control or could I possibly be pregnant?