Stressed and depressed. I need advice

11 weeks pregnant and single. Broke up with my boyfriend a week now because of how shitty he treats me. He logged into my old Instagram account (I didn’t give him access to but if he got in and read the conversations between me and my friend from 2016-2018 and started Throwing my past in my face and laughing at it.That period was the worst time in my life and he knows I don’t like anyone searching my things. and he kept saying things to make me feel less about myself. He’s also very controlling, manipulating and disrespectful I can hardly eat and I’m constantly crying and I’m so upset about the fact that he haven’t told anyone of his family members that I’m pregnant and haven’t reached out to me or ask about the baby. We were together for a year +. And I know this will affect the baby if I’m stressed. Any advice ? It’s really hard not to text him because I don’t have anyone to text really. I cut of most persons I was friends with because of him. Apart of me needs to cut him off completely and another part of me wonders if I should still give him updates regarding the baby such as ultrasound pictures, weekly Developments I just don’t know anymore. I’m still so young and not use to relationships. Some part of me thinks he doesn’t care either because he haven’t tried reaching out to me. What do you think ? I know he doesn’t care about my feelings but I have no clue what to do as it relates to the baby.