Quarantine booty glow up ๐Ÿ‘ UPDATE


Hey, ladies! Thought I would give you my quarantine leg workout ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘

If you donโ€™t have resistance bands- HIGHLY SUGGEST !! Especially if you donโ€™t just have weights lying around the house + theyโ€™re a lot cheaper than buying weights ๐Ÿ˜‰

Resistance band warm-up:

Place resistance band two inches above ankles

- 2 minute jumping jacks

- 20 side to side squats (2x)

- 1 min. Squat jumps

Workout with weights: (or find something heavy/ with weight)

- 3x 15 Waking lunges

- 3x 15 Hip Thrust

- 3x 15 Sumo Squats

- 3x 15 Leg Crossers (standing, place your foot around the other. With the weight in your hands bend down and thrust up with your glutes) a little flexibility is required.

- 3x 15 Reverse Lunges

Also in between the workouts I try to keep my glutes activated with donkey kicks, fire hydrants, and side to side squats with resistance band / jumping squats

Hope this helps !!! GET THE BOOTY GIRLS o

UPDATE hereโ€™s another picture for the people that think I edited my picture ๐Ÿ™ƒ

UPDATE #2: Some of you wanted BEFORE pictures so here they are. These were taken in April 2018 and I started my workout journey in August 2018.

Please keep in mind that in these picture I was VERY unhealthy. I was homeless and living out of my car at that point so please be mindful of your comments!

Thank you ladies for all of the supportive comments and messages! Will be posting more workouts soon!