Preparing for another early arrival


I’m 34 weeks exactly today. (Delivered my first at 34 weeks 5 days). I’ve been to labor and delivery twice this week, once on Monday, they gave me a shot to stop the contractions. I then went to a OB appointment and got to sent to labor and delivery from there yesterday, I was monitored for 3 hours. Contractions were very steady, about one every 2 minutes, they weren’t that strong but enough to make me uncomfortable but they weren’t making me dilate anymore, I’m only at 1cm. They gave me a shot of steroids yesterday abs another one today and basically told me to go home and wait it out until my water breaks or until I need to breath through the contractions. We’re going on 5 days of this and I’m completely miserable, I’ve got 2 older kids that need my attention as well but it’s so hard. My goal has always been 35 weeks but I’m afraid I won’t even make it that long anymore. Going through this one definitely doesn’t make it any easier that’s for sure 😔