Meet the gang 😍


These guys were three weeks old on Thursday but they're already showing so much character!

Albert is my favourite ❤️ he got his name after Albert Einstein because he always seemed like his head was too heavy. It must be cause he's smart 😍

Delilah is an explorer, more so than any of the other babies. She is always the first one to come to people and loves to play.

Frida is Albert's twin sister and she's a lot like him - calm, cuddly and adorable! She was named after Frida Kahlo 😁

Samson is the darkest one, he stands out from the crowd with his colors. But he is a giant sleepy head! When he's not sleeping, he also likes playing and exploring.

I'm so happy to have these guys right now, but in a month or two they'll be going to other people because I can't keep four cats (on top of the two I already have). It's gonna be so hard to say goodbye to them 😭😭 but at least I know they're going to good homes!