Boyfriend putting up windmills for the summer

So my boyfriend is 20, sweet kid, kinda immature, like a teenager. So I worry about him a bit.

We are both college students, I’m a senior, he’s a sophomore.

He just informed me he might be working on windmills this summer and putting them up. He will work 8 hours a day, 6 days a week, with 15 bucks an hour. He will make way more than his old job.

I’m very concerned about his safety, and I honestly don’t want him to take it.

I won’t tell him this because making ones is very important to him, however he’s completely disregarding his safety and doesn’t care if he gets hurt. I just don’t want him to be reckless and do something stupid.

To give an idea on his personality he just bought a taser to use on his friends and himself for fun.

Obviously I’m not gonna break up with him, cause I know someone will suggest that, I’m just not sure what to do? Should I support him? Or help him find a better, safer job?