Need advice

Hi everyone,

I been in a relationship for 5 years. Like every couple we had had our moments. Just recently with this whole COVID 19 I decided to spend two weeks with my siblings and parent since they live 4hrs m away from me. I know my partner was bothered by it (but did not say anything although I ask him to communicate with me) last week when I left on Sunday we had three days without any communication what so ever until Thursday when he texted me asking about my Netflix account. I noticed that we didn’t speak for three days but decided to stay strong, I have always been know to bow down and apologize when he is upset and I knew he was upset about the whole me spending time with my family. So last Friday came along I texted and we said a couple of words I tried to keep the conversation going but it was just a dead end. This week I should be going back home (to our place) on Friday. Today I decided to text him and try to have a conversation with him because I was starting to feel like something is off I mean I was expecting text messages or calls asking about me how I am doing but did not get any of that instead he was playing video games with his friends. Today we were texting a few word until he finally decided to tell me to come back on the weekends only and that I should stay with my family Monday through Friday and I was/am shocked because I wasn’t expecting this at all and now I’m over think maybe he talking someelse etc I’m probably over reacting but I just need to hear any advice

Edit: to answer one of the questions, we been living together for 5 years & thank you all for your advice but it turns out he didn’t want me there because he was cheating on me with my cousin found out when I went back home to surprise him. Would love to continue but I am still dealing with pain and am starting to focus on me again