35+3 Phoebe


I went to the hospital on the 29th of April due to some increased contractions. Thinking that they were going to send me home I didn’t think that day I was going to have a emergency c section due to a ruptured sac....

So my little princess Phoebe was born AT 6lbs 2.1 oz and taken straight to NICU due to extreme tachypnea and amniotic fluid in the lungs.

She is now doing much better after surfactant was given. Her respiratory rate went from 130-150 down to the highest at 60. So know they are trying to ween her slowly off the cpap but her oxygen dips and now she is borderline with jaundice. So hopefully we will have another chance tonight/tomorrow.

How long did anyone else have their premmie in NICU before they let them go home? This is my first time dealing with this and I’m heartbroken knowing I can’t take her home yet.