scary thoughts


i just wanted to start this off by saying i am 18 and i do understand i’m considered an “adult” but there’s reasons as to why i can’t leave. my parents are literally insane and would call the police and blame everything on me or take away paying for college (which isn’t a favor to me it’s just so they can look good to other parents for bragging rights) here’s my story: i am a senior and obviously my end of year got taken away and majority of my friends are going out of state and this time i won’t get this time back with them, it already has been making me pretty sad recently. however, i have been quarantined with my family for over 6 weeks now and they have not let me seen a single other person which makes sense but it’s been so hard. the issue comes in where my parents are absolutely and completely verbally abusive nonstop, and sometimes physically. i have been treated like absolute shit this entire time and i can’t do anything about it. i will be minding my own business and just get harassed to no end. school and swim practice was my escape to be away from them and make peace with myself but i obviously can’t do that with the virus going on. i just don’t know what to do because three years ago i was extremely suicidal because of bullying and i’m starting to feel it again. my parents are literally making fun of me and hurting me about getting bullied and are calling me a disappointment or a waste of space in the house. i’m just hurting so bad right now i don’t know what to do with myself because i cant leave but i just cant get a break. i’m hurting so much you don’t understand i’m in pain i want to be done