Should i forgive?

my pastor had fingered me and fondled me , kissed me ,even though i didn’t want him to. But would god want me to forgive him? I don’t know whether he is really sorry and wants to be forgiven by god... should i? I do want to forgive him but if god doesn’t want me to do it... i’m kinda confused.. today he said to our high school level group that he is not gonna be staying any longer. He said he is going to move and i think he has made up his mind. After hearing this i just felt sad. And me feeling sad made me feel stupid. I know i should be glad but i’m not.... should i forgive him before he leaves? I really do want to talk to him... i want to say that i hope him well and we should forgive and love each other and also god. am i being selfish or stupid? Please do feel free in the comments.