Physically and mentally sick

I am sorry this is so long. If you take the time to read it I appreciate you . Since this virus has started and my boyfriend got laid off things have been tense and I feel like we've been distant, but I'm guessing that's how most people feel. I fight depression everyday, I am on medication but not sure it's doing much. My boyfriend suffers from it but won't go back on medication which is his choice. We are in different pages because I go to sleep slightly early and he stays up till 4-5 am then sleeps all day. I decided to take a walk for my sanity and I went to his moms and sat on the grass and just talked. We then later went to my aunts and saw family for a bit. I needed it because I'm really struggling. Anyways I thought it would be nice and make me feel slightly better. But the moment I got there I felt uncomfortable because I had a mask on as well as my boyfriend and they said oh take it off we are far apart. My grandmother also said oh the trump supports are on this side and that's the non trump supporters talking about my boyfriend and I. My aunt and her fiancé then said if we need to get out of the house and want to make money we can go do yard work for them and then my aunts fiancé felt the need to make a comment to my boyfriend saying do you know how to rake, which no offense but who doesn't. I thought that was pretty rude considering we were just talking about how much of a hard worker my boyfriend is, he's never took one day off never been late and doesn't even take a break to eat at work. Once we left my boyfriend got a bit annoyed with me and said don't bring up me working for him cause he obviously doesn't want me working for him, and that was rude for him to insult me. (My aunts fiancé owns his own company) I figured family would help family during this hard time but guess I was wrong. I got home sat in the shower and cried because i just feel horrible about how this day went, and ended up making myself sick. I've had alot of stress lately with the virus shit and having to cut my dad out of my life along with my mom brothers and sister. I feel mentally and physically weak and sick and feel like my body is just going to give out. I apologize to my boyfriend and told I'm sorry that this is how my family had to act and that we wouldn't go there again. Not until they can show some respect. I'm feeling very hot and to top it off with all this stress its caused me to have a herpes outbreak..