Can fertility drugs mess with your boob?!!!?

Jennifer • I was diagnosed with PCOS 10/26/15. Expecting our 1st in Jan. 2021!!!!

Y’aaaallllllll I need your help!! I am on cycle two of Letrezol, metformin, steroid and Ovedril. Last cycle, this did NOT happen!!!!!! I’ve had tenderness before NOTHING like this. Can my medicines be messing with my boobs!??

Around 4/5 DPO (around April 30th/May 1st) my boobs started to feel tender. Ive has tenderness before so I didnt think anything of it.

Over the last few days it has gotten bad. If Im sitting not moving Im fine...but touch, brush against, putting clothes on or laying down when they're being touched... Im in pain. 1-10 Im looking at a 5-6. Should I be concerned!?!?

What is happening!!! Please tell me it’s just my meds playing tricks on me!