Formula Amount 4 month old!

I’m really getting confused. Little back story my baby is 4.5 months (20 weeks) she would normally consume 24-28oz a day of formula.

Just starting within the last week she had decreased her intake she’s now only eating around 20-22oz a day. She’s also instead of eating 4-5oz per bottle she’s doing between 3-4oz which I didn’t really think anything of to much as she never eats while she isn’t hungry.

I was just wondering if this normal or just a phase she’s going through or maybe it’s the formula I’m using? She’s been on similac advance since birth. She’s always been the one to increase her bottle size as I feed her on demand she normally eats every 3 hours tried going longer in between bottles like 4 hours she also sleeps through the night.

Anyone else had the same happen ? I’ve also asked the doctor about it they didn’t seem concerned at all as she’s now 14lbs was 5lbs 7oz at birth