Anyone wanna see Berthas baby?


It’s the little dark blob in the egg. That’s the baby.

If I were to crack open the egg, which I won’t because I really want sone damn baby chickens to put in this nice little coop I just bought them, it would look like this

Today the little sucker has eyeballs. It’s actually huge compared to the others and I’m wondering if it started to grow before I put it in the incubator.

And the other hens eggs have babies like this too. They’re just not as visible. I can’t get a picture of them like this.

Don’t mind the writing on the egg, since I am hand turning, I write o on one side and x on the other so I can keep track of what side the eggs are on. And “F” means fertile.

There’s still some eggs that I’m unsure of, so I wrote “?” On them lmfao