Married and living with parents and in laws☹️

Hey ladies! I got married in August 2019 and hubby and I aren’t financially stable enough to get our own place so we had to stay with either his parents or mine . I felt too uncomfortable with his mother due to the fact that she is very quiet and shy with me and none of his family spoke to me besides his 2 sisters. So we decided to move with my mom who lives an hour away from hubbys parents. I’m a stay at home mom at the moment but will be finishing my last year of college so I’m always home with our baby boy . But I’ve noticed that me and hubby never argue only when it comes to our parents . He doesn’t seem to understand that I needed my own mom to help me and guide me when it comes to our first baby . I feel so comfortable having her there to show me how to take care of him and trust her with him . The problem is hubbys parents don’t see the baby everyday and we get into arguments about that 😢. I constantly feel like I need to feeling guilty about living here with our son . Hubbys parents were not happy at all when he told them he will be moving out and tried to talk him out of it but he ended up choosing me and came with me. Now I feel like ever since he moved out his parents house there has been awkward tension between my in laws . Any advice ?