FML: will this ever happen?

So I got pregnant naturally at 44.5. Things went great for months until

I had a brutal miscarriage. I got pregnant after two years of trying, 3 failed rounds of <a href="">IVF</a> and 10+ failed IUIs. My husband has poor morphology. I am perfect except for being old. painful as it is to share, this is reality. I have beyond-bad DOR, and just tried one more <a href="">IVF</a> which had to be cancelled. It didn’t work at 42 and it really didn’t work at 44.11. I am now 45 and praying for a miracle. I just had my 4th chemical pregnancy. My friend just had a baby at 46. I am trying to be thankful for all that I have: a loving husband and family and surviving COVID-19 so far (in NYC). I have $3000 worth of <a href="">IVF</a> drugs waiting for a 5th round, but honestly, it is futile. The only way I seem to get pregnant is naturally