Bleeding after ovulation


I have PCOS, I was diagnosed about 3 years ago after my first pregnancy and miscarriage and have not conceived since. Long story short- my periods have been wacky some months much worse than others throughout each year. My husband and I have actually had many life changes in the past 8 months but during this, I've never been happier and my periods were always coming on time. Last month was the first month in about 7 months that I had a period show a week later than it was supposed to. My cycles are usually between 31-34 days. I chalked this fluke down to the stress of being in quarantine.

Okay now here's the kicker- I supposedly ovulated less than a week ago and yesterday- at 5dpo, I started having some brown spotting. Today when I woke up and went to the bathroom, it was heavier and maroon but still not like a "normal period" for me. Not even close to being as heavy as my normal period or as painful. As today begins to bloom it seems as if I may be getting my period well over a week early as the medium spotting wont quit. I would check it out with a doctor but I currently dont live in my state so I dont have health insurance or the money right now to do so out of state. Any thoughts on what may be going on with my body right now or any ways to help aid this without having to drive 22 hours back home for an appt?