PCOS and Symptoms - TTC


Hi Lovely ladies!

I’ve been TTC for what seems like an eternity. I’m waiting for all this virus stuff to settle down then I can see a gyno.

Any way! I just wanted to know how you track ovulation? My period gernerallllly comes on time most months but sometimes I can go 2 months without one.

This month I’m feeling off.

So my last period was 2 weeks later than what I would have regularly. AF started 22nd April and lasted 6 days. My predicted ovulation date was 5th May but I had ovulation pain and spotting on the 4th and on the 5th I woke at 2am an vomited. (Coincidence) but since then I’ve been a bit weird. (I think I ovulated early)

I have headaches, nausea and tender boobs. I also had the smallest amount of spotting, I’m grumpy, tired and sensitive to smell.

Now having PCOS I know that this could be classic PMS symptoms ( I get PMS quite bad)

But I’m wondering what pregnancy symptoms you ladies had when you were pregnant and how did you track your ovulation?

I know it’s still a little early for anything but waiting for this gyno is killing me! So any really human experiences would be awesome xx