What to do 😩


I breastfeed my son. He will be 5 months old on the 21st. Breastfeeding my first seems like it was so easy compared to this time around. My 5 month old is so so so soooooo gassy. I cut out all dairy. I haven’t had dairy since he was about 2 and a half months. He was barely sleeping at all at night and I was having to get up and rock him to make him even remotely go to sleep. All he did was cry ALL. THE. TIME. I cut dairy out and it seemed like that helped him. He was still gassy but was no longer crying all day long. Fast forward to now and he’s still just as gassy as he was whenever I first cut dairy out. I figured by now with him being almost 5 months old he wouldn’t really be too gassy anymore. Him being gassy along with going through his sleep regression has been a nightmare. He is back to not sleeping much throughout the night and if he is sleeping it has to be with me holding him and I’m not able to get any sleep that way. Any advice on what to do? I don’t know how much more I can handle. Being constantly sleep deprived while chasing a 2 year old around and dealing with a 5 month old is exhausting.