Missed period, negative test

Hi, so basically I need some help Well actually I just want to see if anyone else has gone through this...

2 years ago in august 2018 I found out I was pregnant and unfortunately it was ectopic and I lost my left tube due to this, it’s been 2 years and me and my partner have been trying for another baby, on the 30th march this year I was due my period and it didn’t show up I’m now 12 days late and I tested obviously a few days after my period missed but it was negative, I waited a few days after and tested again, negative. When I had my little boy in 2016 it came out REALLY faint and I found out I was 3 months pregnant. The ectopic I had I was 4 weeks and that was REALLY faint too... I just don’t know what is going on and it’s extremely frustrating I just want to know if anyone’s ever had this problem of getting faint lines or negatives even when there period is really late...