mirena removal

Jackie • im jackie, 31yrs old with 2 kids...was told i would never have kids and here i am💕 my son is 7 and my daughter is 3; me and my husband are ttc for our final child; and then i want my tubes tied as i suffer endo and cysts; i have had 2 laperoscapies and be

so ladies, I had my IUD removed in February and at the end I got my period and it was regular only six days no heaviness no crazy amount of cramping; fastfoward it's now May, I woke up today and I noticed that my period was really heavy, I went into the bathroom around 8:45 in the morning and I put in a super+ Tampon +2 pads in my underwear, only to wake up an hour and 45 minutes later on the couch because my cramps are so bad and my clothes are covered in blood… My underwear were soaked the pad was completely drenched and a tampon just dripping (TMI) I called my mom over because I do have a history of endometriosis and I even had a laparoscopy done in 2014 for lesions, cysts and endometriosis removal... she tells me that I need to go to the ER but with this virus thing going on I don't want to go to the ER… Please tell me I am not the only one going through this, I'm really trying to not overthink it but I know that I am bleeding more than I ever have… Even after having my kids I didn't bleed this heavy🤦🏻‍♀️💯