Is there something wrong with my relationship?

I’ve been with my boyfriend for 5+ years now, I have a son from a previous relationship and we have a daughter together. When it was just me and my son I was for the most part happy, I was good at routine, my house was always clean, my family was always over to visit, I maintained a healthy weight, worked out, and looked after myself. I was able to do all the things I loved but I was always feeling lonely, I’d have days where i just felt like I’d be a single mom forever and would have to learn to accept that. Once I met my boyfriend and he moved in I was happy to have a companion, I love him and I love his family. But It’s been 5 years of living together and I still haven’t gotten used to having another adult in my house. When he’s home, which is all the time now, I feel like I can’t let loose or do the things I love to do. My house is always a mess now, I struggle to build the energy to workout so I am now over weight, my family never comes to visit anymore, and I can’t tell if it’s just me or if it has something to do with my relationship. I should add that he doesn’t help around the house, making more work and stress for me, he sits around looking at his phone and playing video games. My house should feel just as much my home as it did before he moved in shouldn’t it? Did anyone else feel different when their spouse and them moved in together? Like we’re you happier living on your own or with your significant other.