Self defense, Guns.


Hello Ladies! I’m a 24 year old single mother of 3 and I’ve had my gun license for about a year. I wanted to make sure I’m well educated on guns before I made a purchase and got one for myself, along with a security box to keep it safe and away from my young children. I try to read as much as I can and I have gone shooting at ranges before everything closed due to the pandemic. I believe I’m ready to buy a gun for self defense purposes. There have been a lot of robberies, home invasions, and shootings around in my area. There’s at least 2 a week. I do plan on moving but it’s very difficult due to me being a single mother doing everything solely by myself and also the lack of availability of apartments/houses. Anyways let me get to the point haha what do you think is the best self defense gun for a woman? I have been reading online about a few different ones but I want someone’s actual opinion or personal experience with one. Thank you!