Sex Ed has failed me

Hi! Help a girl with high anxiety out. I’m 22 and had sex for the first time over two months ago (protected - condom but I’m not on the pill, maybe why I’m so scared). I got my two cycles (heavy and regular) exactly on time after that but I was so anxious that I even took a pregnancy test in between my two periods bc I was so anxious that it was making me nauseous. I took two tests, one 4.5 weeks after having sex and then the other 5.5 weeks. That’s enough time after having sex to get as accuracy’s as results, right? Both were negative.

Would we know if the condom broke? Or are very small tears possible?

People have sex with condoms, without being on the pill and they’re still fine, right?

Is having this much anxiety after my first time normal?

I didn’t anticipated being this anxious about it. I want to enjoy sex but I can’t handle my overthinking.