Feedback wanted!!

I’ve started writing a story I need feedback. Also Idk where to post this

It was a normal Friday night. That was until my roommate came barging into our room.

“Come on Baylee! We are going to a party! Lots of celeb hotties will be there!” My best mate vociferated. “ Apparently, Delta Gamma is hosting a party. They are paying for lots of famous people to be there.”

“Okay, okay. Fine.” There wasn't any point in arguing with her. Makenzie Thompson always won. “What should I wear then?” I ask, reluctantly making my way to my dresser.

“How about this?” Makenzie held up a black short skirt and matching tank-top style crop top. “It’s totally your style. She remarks.

“I don’t know Mak, are you sure? I question.

“Obviously. When have I, the Great Makenzie Tompson been wrong?”

“ You goofball.” I laugh. I throw a pillow at her .“Lets knock those hotties dead!”

When we eventually arrive at the party, Mak leaves me to go mingle. Good for her. I think. She has been single for a while now.

“You hypocrite.” I mutter to myself.

I’m single too.I looked around the party. In one corner of the house, people were playing beer pong. In another, people were taking shots. I headed into another room. There were lots of strobe lights. Not to mention the music was good for once. I spotted a bar in the corner.

“Well. I might as well get myself a drink.” I make my way over to the bar. “Can I get a Cosmopolitan please?”

“Sure thing.” The bartender replies. I drum my fingers on the counter, it was an anxious habit of mine. I really hated being alone.

“Here ya go.” says the bartender, sliding my cocktail to me.

“Thanks.” Before I can even take a sip, I was interrupted.

“ Hey love.” a British accent exclaims. I knew that voice all too well. I turn my head, and I find relief in finding my identical twin sister Rebekha standing behind me.

“Hey Bekha. Fancy finding you here.” I said hugging my double. “How's uni life for you?”

“It's quite good. You look lovely Bay. Now, before I answer any more questions, explain to me why you're drinking alone.”

“Well, my mate Mak left me to go party.” I say as I gesture over my shoulder. Makenzie was dancing with a hot frat boy.

“ Oh you wanker.” She rolled her eyes. “ Go chat up some of the celebs here. I’ve already given one of them my number.”

“ Blimey! That was fast. But okay I’m going. Love you Bekha.”

“Bye babes. I’ll give you a bell later.”

My sister left me at the bar, and I finally got to take a sip of my drink. I stand up from the bar, drink in hand. I start to walk over another mate of mine, when suddenly I trip spilling my drink all over me.

“Oh bloody hell.” I grumble. Just my luck. Of course I’d have a strop. I think, rolling my eyes.

“ Here let me help you.” says a voice I’ve heard. The unknown voice helps me up. I unexpectedly came face to face with one of the most handsome men in the world. Leonardo freaking Dicaprio.

“Thank you!”I acknowledge.

“No problem. Can I buy you a drink, gorgeous?” I blush. At a loss of words, I nod my head. As I follow him back to the bar, I take time to reflect on what's happening. I've got to be dreaming. There is absolutely no bloody way that Leo Dicaprio is buying my arse a drink