Sleeping issues 4 week old FTM


So I am having odd sleeping behaviour in my newborn and not sure what to make of it as FTM. thinking it is colic but nothing seems to work for it. Sleep at night is never an issue, she wakes up to feed and then right back to sleep except when it is getting close to day again where she may wake again in an hour. But during the day it seems like I have recurring cycle. One day she won’t sleep at all very fussy and crying all the time. She may nap for 5-20 min at most but can spend 9-13 hrs doing this with me trying to soothe her before she settles and sleeps well. The next day she has no problem will take longish naps 1-2 hrs and calm baby. Then we repeat. I thought it was gas and tried some gas remedies(ovol, probiotics) and of course colic holds, bicycling legs, tummy massage. Nothing works. I breast feed only. I tried all soothing techniques that are hit and miss (white noise, singing, bouncing, swaying, walking, shushing, pacifier, swaddling which she hates her hands swaddled and screams louder) and never give me more than 20 min on my bad day. Funny thing is she always wants to feed on the bad day I assume to try to calm herself as she gets quite worked up. Anybody have any ideas I am not thinking of? I have been trying to keep diet consistent from day to day so I am not sure it could be that....