Husband is a jerk


We were finally able to bring our baby home from the hospital a few days ago and turns out he's nocturnal. Anyways, we have been trying to take turns with each other to take care of his needs so we can get enough sleep. The other day, he decided he couldn't get out of bed no matter how many times I tried to get him awake to help me out. My last attempt was me asking him if he could please wake up and all he did was shrug. He got very apologetic when I finally water-gunned him down for pretty much priorizing his sleep over the care of his son and the mental state of his wife( I have post partum depression with already preexisting severe depression and anxiety) and ended up cleaning up the house a little. I forgave him cause I couldn't really be mad at him for it...

Until just now...

I went to wake him up at the time he said to so that he could care for our went like this:

M- "S, it's 3:00!"

S- "Mmm...can't you stay up a little longer?.."

M- " I'm really tired..."

S- "I'm tired too..." *looks up at me a bit*

"Rock, Paper, Scissors?..."

I then got upset and left him alone.

Wtf man? "Rock, Paper, Scissors"?! Like are you seriously kidding me right now?!

Am I being too upset over this or am I right to get a little upset over this..?


We take turns with the baby so that each other can get some sleep. However, these past two mornings, I was forced to take care of our son while being two exhausted to even walk, due to him not keeping up with our turn taking. I'm currently thinking about a better turn taking method for the both of us so that we could both sleep a bit more and I wouldn't be too over worked when he decides that sleep was more important than helping...

Update #2:

Sorry guys, but I'm just gonna shit rant about him from now resentment towards him has already started due to him giving me an indication that I will probably get no possible help with our son on days that he will be working...😁✌

Update #3

So, it got to the point where I started packing my stuff up with the help of a friend. In the middle of it, I voiced more of my concerns about my husband to her. She and I talked it out for about an hour and she convinced me to talk to him more about what I've been feeling and why it had came to that outcome. We ended up arguing for the 3rd time that morning but I got my point and feelings across and we figured out a better system of turn taking so that I could get about 6 hours of sleep(more if he has the energy and I'm exhausted enough). So far so good and haven't had an exhausting night in the past couple days. Thanks guys for all the support and advice! I really needed it...