He hates all of my ideas... *rant*

I’m really sad right now.

My fiancé is a very successful businessman, he has two of his own businesses that are thriving.

I tried going to college, never found my niche, dropped out and started making more than I ever would have made and would have been drowning in student debt (I wanted to be a teacher).

Also the wages are good, I just feel this lack of fulfillment and purpose in life. He says everyone feels that way. I disagree.

For about a year now I’ve been brainstorming different ideas for my own business. The latest being a dog accessory shop.

He hates the idea, he says there’s no way it’d be profitable and that there is no market for it with all of the other shops out there doing the same thing.

This isn’t the only idea he has hated. This is my 4th idea and he has literally hated every single one.

I’m feeling useless and discouraged and just all around sad right now, maybe it was a bad idea, maybe they were ALL bad ideas but it would be nice to feel supported and that I wasn’t a complete idiot... ya know?

Anyhow this is just a rant, I told him my feelings were hurt and he apologized and said he was just looking out for me in the longevity of it but I can’t shake this overwhelming sadness/feeling like a failure in life.

I’m 26 and I am so miserable with what I’m doing in life, I just don’t know what to do. Anyone else feeling/have felt like this? Any tips on how you got out of it?