At what point do you call the police on an abuser?

When I was young, I was in the foster care system for 9 months. I was eleven. I lived at a mans home for 4 of those months. He had a son. I experienced a lot of sexual trauma from this man. I am scarred terribly both mentally and physically. I was never raped, but as a broad example that won’t give me a panic attack to explain: hooks, knives, belts, toys, gags, rope, blowtorch. I’m sure you can think of what happened. I have lies for the cause of all my physical scars. Only two people know, my long term boyfriend from high school and my closest friend. They both think that I should report. However, I don’t want to ruin anyone’s life, not that man, not my own or my parents, and especially not his son. I don’t want to go to court, I know that can go wrong I’m so many ways. I’m scared of court and I’m scared to acknowledge that things even happened to me. I’m just scared, like I was when I was eleven.