Dakota is here! Born at 39 weeks and 1 day!


The day started with me waking up periodically due to painful contractions. They sucked, but I could get back to sleep afterwards and I had an OB appointment at 10:45am, so I decided to chalk them up to BH (which I've been having for weeks) and move on.

I had a few at the appointment, but while intense, they were 10 minutes apart. Doc said not to call until they were 3-5 movie apart for 2 hours. Went home.

At 1:30pm, contractions got worse and were 4 minutes apart. I timed them for two hours and was sent to triage. There, they spaced back out to 10 minutes. I was 1cm dilated and 80% effaced. Was sent home.

Not gonna lie, I was frustrated as hell at this point. I was in so much pain, but I knew my scheduled c-section was just four days away and tried to push through... for about an hour. Having decided that laying on the couch cursing profusely at every contraction probably wasn't a good way to parent a 2yo, I called my husband and told him to leave work around 7pm. Either I was getting admitted or I was barricading myself in a room.

Contractions came steadily for an hour and they finally admitted me, planning to do the c-section as soon as the covid results came back in three hours. I kept having more frequent, more painful contractions, until the anesthesiologist noticed that I was pushing (oops!). The doctor came back in and checked my cervix: 10cm and ready to go. Ohhh boy. She stressed that if I wanted the c-section, I could definitely have it, but most likely the baby would be here.

"So no epidural?" I cried. She shook her head.

Another contraction hit and I fully gave in to what my body knew to do. I made some sounds I'd never made before. My sweet, supportive, squeamish husband hung in there the whole way. They lifted my legs, I put my hands where they told me, and probably ten or less pushes (and minutes) later, I felt her make her grand entrance!

I'm unsure of how many stitches I got, but she was down there for a good while. I can't believe I did it. I was so afraid of a vaginal delivery, let alone an unmedicated one, but I freaking did it!

Dakota Leesa, everybody. Born 6lb 10oz May 15th, 1:17 am. Welcome to the world, my love.