Had to switch to formula


A few of you guys probably remember me posting about my baby and his horrible eczema.

We had tried doing EVERYTHING and nothing was helping. He was absolutely miserable and would just cry all day. We ended up switching pediatricians and she said it was so bad he had an infection and prescribed some really strong steroid cream, antibiotics, AND a liquid steroid to take orally as well. But she still emphasized that this would only work temporarily until we figured out what he was reacting to. Even though it was a temporary fix it was such a relief because the past two months had been absolute hell for him and for me. The past 8 days have been amazing. He has been SO happy and he actually interacts and plays with us! We have 4 more allergy tests to get through but so far it turns out that he’s allergic to every nut, egg whites, and dairy. I tried to cut those out the best I could but we had to stop the steroids and today some eczema patches started popping back up. So I decided to switch to formula. We tried 2 other ones before we found one he actually liked - happy baby organic! Please pray for him. I just want him to be happy and healthy ❤️

Him now after the steroids!