How do you keep hope up?


My husband and I haven’t been trying for long compare to others. We started trying in February for our second child. But how are we supposed to try when I’m not even ovulating? PCOS it’s a bitch. I’ve taken a total of 8 pregnancy test, all negatives ‘Cuz I’m a masochist. Still no period. Went to see my doctor who told me I had to wait out my period, nothing to worry about. Yeah right. I have struggle with PCOS since I was 11. I know for a fact that my period can be gone for a month or two years. Usually runs closer to the two year mark when it decides to take a vacation. But nothing to worry. Ugh. I’m going to be 31 next month, and I told myself I would only try until I hit 33. But the deadline just makes me all the most frustrated it. How do I keep hope up when every day I don’t have my period I feel like I’m broken? That I cannot give my husband the big family we both dream of?

I have daughter, that I love. I know it’s possible. When my body cooperates. Which is not doing. I feel like I spent my whole life fighting with my body, needing it to be /normal/ and I’m still loosing that fight.

Sorry for the rambling. Just needed to get that out.