
Sophie 👧👼👼

I do want to sleep train my baby its something i did when she was around 3 months and it used to work well (ferber) but then she started crying to the point she choked on spit up and i just stopped and basically now i just nurse her and rock until shes finally tired and falls asleep this can take anywhere from 1.5hrs to 3 hours plus i nursed her a couple times tonight and thought right ill put her down and try it i cant bear hearing how upset and hot she was getting herself we only lasted 15 minutes and i gave up im in bed nursing which i will continue for hours probably until she settles down and sleeps is anyone else this soft or have any other methods lol i do the same routine everynight at the same time but she still takes 1.5-4 hours to fall asleep she also wakes around 4-6 times every night