Solids and cow milk allergy?

Michèle • 🇨🇦 T1 Diabetes, mama to Fritzi 👶

We started our daughter on solids at 4 months (just to taste until 5 months, and now she eats twice a day on top of her regular formula), and she absolutely loves food but aside from basic fruit and veg I’m at a loss. What can I give her for good healthy fats moving forward? She has had avocado and really didn’t seem to enjoy it. She is a thin girl and I want to be sure she is getting everything her body needs.

She has a severe cow milk allergy and a moderate soy allergy. We are scared to give her egg too soon and are waiting until 6 months for meat.

We found rice cereal without milk so that’s not an issue. I prefer making all of her food but if anyone knows of ready made stuff for sensitive kiddos, for days on the go, I’d love to know!