Can’t believe I can have elected c section !!


Hi all,

I was at my first booking appointment today in Ireland. It is my 2nd pregnancy I have a 7 year old son. I had a very traumatic delivery on my son resulting in an emergency c section. On this pregnancy I asked to speak to a doctor as I had post traumatic stress after having my son for months & a fear of delivery with this baby.

I told the doctor about this today & she informed me that it is completely up to me if I want an elective c section. I was stunned that & delighted at this news. This is what I had been hoping for & was prepared to have to fight for it. She said if I still feel the same at a later stage in my pregnancy or changed my mind it was totally up to me. I told her that has given much relief. I am 40 & my last labour there was failure to progress & baby in distress so I’m wondering is this why it was granted so easily. I’m asking as I’m almost afraid a different doctor will tell me different at another appointment ?

Thank you

Deby xx