I just want to share how I am feeling


My fiance and I have been TTC for nearly 3 years. We did 3 IUIs last fall. We were about to start <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> after Christmas but then I found out my new health insurance doesnt cover anything and due to Covid there were no new cycles being done. We have a successful business and are currently looking to buy a house but both of us have bad credit. I turn 34 this week and just feel stuck. My fiance has a fairly high sperm count but poor morphology and progression. He is a heavy smoker of cigarettes and has a marijuana prescription. Our doctor suggested he cut back on both. His prescription helps him a lot with his stress. We both stress running our business, we cant even vacation when we want. I have been taking vitamins for 3 years and I wish he would take something. He has to take Nexium daily and is scared to take other pills due to his stomach issues. We still try every month but I feel <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> is the ticket. I just wish we could start the cycle now. He has to get genetic blood screening because I have 2 mutations and hopefully he doesnt have the same ones I have.... I feel great about my career and our relationship(besides the cigarettes that drive me crazy) but I just feel like what am I doing all this for if there is no child to pass our business (if they chose it) and our love to. Every month I ovulate I think about that egg getting wasted which I am sure is a common feeling. I feel stuck