3 empty sacs??

T • Mama to a miracle🌈 6/8/21

Has anyone ever had this happen before?! My doctor last week only saw one sac, my ultrasound tech today saw THREE- but all empty. One is measuring 7w5d, one is 5w6d and one is 5w4d. She told me to schedule a D&C but I can “wait it out if I want to.” I’m just speechless.

Edit: no update yet but I posted a picture of the larger sac vs the other two in the comments! Will come back and edit when I know more.

Another edit: 5/24: I bought HCG strips to watch my levels drop to 0. I tested 5/20 and 5/24 and the strips are still GETTING DARKER!!! Please god give us a miracle baby!

Update: No change. Sacs stopped growing from last week. My biggest sac had a yolk sac so she said baby probably stopped developing a little after 5 weeks. So tomorrow I’ll have to come for blood work, Thursday I have a D&C scheduled. Please keep me in your prayers for an easy surgery and recovery, and a sweet healthy rainbow baby soon after.